Sunday Service Information
Join us in person at our regular Sunday service times, 9:15 and 11:00 am. Kids Street is now fully open as well, for kids infants through 5th grade for both service times.
If you prefer to stay home, a live broadcast of each service will be streamed online at 9:15 and 11 every Sunday morning, right here. The service will be broadcasted at these designated times, with a live chat hosted by a Crossroads team member.
If you prefer to stay home, a live broadcast of each service will be streamed online at 9:15 and 11 every Sunday morning, right here. The service will be broadcasted at these designated times, with a live chat hosted by a Crossroads team member.
Before You Join Us...
What To Expect At A Crossroads Service:
- 2 services at 9:15 &. 11:00 a.m. at our Ottawa Lake Campus
- Masks are recommended for non-vaccinated persons (per the CDC guidelines)
- We will not be asking if you have received the vaccine, so we are asking you to use the honor system when making decisions about masks
- Use smiles for greetings, rather than handshakes or hugs
- Overflow/alternative viewing available in cafe
- Kids Street programming is available for kids ages infants - 5th grade. Masks recommended for kids 5+
- Free coffee is available
- Please follow CDC social distancing guidelines
- Offering baskets will be passed during service, however you may also drop your offering in baskets on the way out, or give online
- Pre-packaged communion will be handed out on the way in on communion Sundays
- No formal "greeting time" will be held during service
Ask Yourself...
- Am I sick?
- Am I showing any flu-like symptoms?
- Have I had a fever of 100.4 or higher in the past 14 days?
- Have I had prolonged exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
- Is there any medical reason why you shouldn’t be around others?
If you answered YES to ANY of these questions, we strongly encourage you to stay home and join us for church online at
Precautions We're Taking...
- Hand sanitizer will be available at…
- each auditorium door & entrance to overflow viewing rooms
- the entrance to the building
- Overflow viewing rooms will be offered in The Cafe
- During public events (Sunday mornings) all high-touch surfaces should be wiped down every 30 minutes
- Each of the rooms in our facility gets cleaned and sanitized between uses, each week.
- All surfaces are cleaned and wiped down with one or more our CDC approved cleaners/disinfectants
- Hard surface floors are mopped with a bleach cleaning solution.
- Door handles, light switches, faucets are also wiped down and disinfected.
- High touch surfaces in the building are wiped down multiple times a week.
Please Understand
Your safety is our #1 priority and we feel that Crossroads is taking the necessary precautions to provide a safe experience. However, please understand that when you attend services in person at Crossroads you do so at your own risk. Crossroads is not responsible for the possible contracting of COVID-19 or any other illness. The decision to attend services in person is completely up to you, so please be sure you feel confident in your decision.