Sunday service is back inside! See you at 10am for an indoor worship gathering.

Day 18 - August 24

Day: 18
Date: 8.24 Thursday
Verse: Philippians 4:11
11 Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.
SOAP Journaling: Grab a notebook and SOAP through today's verse!
Crossroads Prayer: Pray for the Generosity of Crossroads to continue to grow and that God would use it beyond our capabilities.

ForYou Prayer: Pray for Crossroads to make an impact in the community by serving for the first time at the Whiteford Fall Festival as they continue to raise funds for their Inclusive Playground. (Sat Oct 7th )

Take it Further: Grab some bread and juice. Take some time today to take communion on your own. Spend time making sure your heart is clear and thanking Jesus for his sacrifice.