Sunday service is back inside! See you at 10am for an indoor worship gathering.

Day 2 - August 8

Day: 2
Date: 8.8 Tuesday
Verse: Romans 8:5-6
5 Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. 6 So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.
SOAP Journaling: Grab a notebook and SOAP through today's verse!
Crossroads Prayer: Pray for people to place their faith in Jesus every week through Crossroads.

ForYou Prayer: Pray for Crossroads Mission Partner - Social Services for the Arab Community (SSFAC) - as they continue to provide resources, advocate for immigrants, and help obtain citizenship for individuals seeking refuge.

Take it Further: Read through today's verse in 4-5 other translations and note the differences and what they illuminate about this verse. (Try the NIV, CEV, ESV, NKJV, and MSG) The Bible App can really help you do this.