Sunday service is back inside! See you at 10am for an indoor worship gathering.


Contributors > Consumers

Crossroads values engagement. To us it means that we contribute to the life of the church, rather than just sit back and consume it. Collectively we can do more for each other, our community, and the world. Together, we are the Church.

Join The Team

Serve God Together

Make An Impact

Outreach Opportunties

Bring A Friend

Invite Your Circle

Give Generously

Support The Mission

Join The Team

Serving God by serving others is an essential part of the Crossroads' culture. By joining a team, you get to use your God-given talents to make a difference.
Serving opportunities are endless at Crossroads, however we wanted to let you know of some key areas that have openings.

Make An Impact

Local and global outreach opportunities happen year round, on-site and within the community. Giving your time and resources to lift up others is great way to engage.
Get more information and sign up for an upcoming outreach opportunity.

Bring A Friend

Did you know research shows that over 80% of American's would come to church if they were invited by friends or family? That means that inviting a friend to church shouldn't be awkward.. in fact, they're probably waiting for you to do it!

Church invites aren't limited to in-person service. You could host a livestream brunch at your home for a few friends, or simply share our Livestream link via text or social media.
Before you invite, pray about it. Pray that God would put the names of people on your heart that are waiting an invite.

Give Generously

Why give? Giving enables us to live into the mission of Jesus by making more and better disciples. It helps us to be more like God, who gave us his amazing gift of Jesus. Giving allows us to flourish as Jesus-Followers and lets us live into the promise of Jesus – Give and it will be given to you.