Sunday service is back inside! See you at 10am for an indoor worship gathering.

Tell us your story...

How has God worked through
John Clark in your life?

Record a video...

Record a video using your computer or cell phone and make sure to save the file. When you're ready to submit the video, click 'Submit Video' below and follow the step-by-step directions. If you need help at any time, please feel free to contact Creative Arts Pastor Mikey Biddle by email, phone, or stop in during office hours!

Upload the video...

After you've recorded your video...

Step 1:

Click the 'Submit' button to the right. This takes you to the website where you will complete the rest of the steps.

Step 2:

Once on the site, Accept User Agreement on the left if opening  for the first time.
If the page opens to pricing, click the 'x' in the top left corner to go to the transfer page.
There is no need to sign up or pay anything or sign up to use this service.

Steps 3 and 4:

Click +Upload files and navigate to your saved video. Select the video you previously recorded.

Complete the form:
  • Email to: 
  • Your Email: <enter your email address>
  • Title: <your name> Farewell Video
  • Message: <please leave blank

Click ‘Transfer’.

Step 5:

Verify your email: open your email account and find an email from WeTransfer.
  • Copy the verification code from the email and enter it into the ‘Email Verification Code’ field.

Click 'Verify'.

You're Done!

You will receive a confirmation email from WeTransfer as verification it was sent correctly.

Need help?

Please contact Mikey Biddle with video transfer issues. He is available by email, phone or in person during office hours and by appointment.