Four ways you can Live Generously:
21 Day Tithe: How to calculate: Estimate what you might make this year. Then take 10% of that number and divide it by 365. That number would represent a daily tithe amount to God through Crossroads. Then you can put that money in an envelope and into the offering for the next three Sundays. If you want to give online, you can set it up to come out of your bank each day for the next 21 days.
The Heart of Christmas: Click the button below to learn more about this year's Heart of Christmas initiatives and to give or pledge your offering!
Year End Giving: This year Crossroads projects that it's income will fall $150,000 short of what is needed to run the Church. Since Covid, Crossroads has already cut $325,000 from it's budget. We also currently pay on a 6.3 million dollar mortgage. If you would like to stretch your generosity by giving to help Crossroads finish the year in the black — click the button below OR give on Sunday in an envelope and mark it “Year End”.
Financial Peace: If you’re interested in working towards the path to financial freedom, Financial Peace University is a great next step. Scholarships are available to help pay for course fees. Click the button below to find Financial Peace University classes near you!