Sunday service is back inside! See you at 10am for an indoor worship gathering.

Impact the World

Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word. - Acts 8:4

Make An Impact




Crossroads has a rich history of visiting and serving in Dessalines, Haiti.

Ebenezer Glenn Orphanage (EGO) supports orphans with housing in a 12 acre piece of property. EGO is run by Ken and Marla Drowley. They are doing a great job teaching the kids skills so they can get jobs when they move out. Teams from Crossroads go to Dessalines to work, play with the kids, evangelize, and show God’s love.
There are no upcoming trips planned to go to Haiti at this time.
Crossroads supports Chase and DeeDee Galloway, missionaries in The Balkans. They believe in training leaders and helping the broken. The Galloways are involved in many projects, including church planting, feeding the hungry, and overseeing the Saint John's House.

 Saint John’s House is a house for girls that are trafficked – which is a very prevalent issue in Bulgaria.

Crossroads also supports Pastors Al and Diane Mellinger, missionaries who support Bulgaria.
Crossroads supports Impact Middle East and Missionary Dale. Impact Middle East empowers national leaders to proclaim the grace and truth of Jesus and plant reproducing house churches among the underserved.

Crossroads also supports Pastor Haytham and the Marka Church, in Marka, Jordan. Their vision is to ignite a disciple-making movement among Arab speaking people, that leads to multiplying vibrant house churches. Crossroads mission teams go to Jordan to show love and compassion to a people that have nothing.